Homeowners Insurance
Imagine with me, you’re in your living room, reading this article, sipping your favorite cool drink out of your grandmothers old fine china, you’re seated in that wonderfully comfortable antique armchair resting upon that fantastic oriental rug you couldn’t resist buying last year. You can see the painting your family has passed down the family line hanging on the wall next to your favorite coin collection that took years to get “just right”. Now, just for a moment, imagine having to replace these items . . . . . . . are they irreplaceable? Is it a high value item compared to modern replacement value? Your policy may not be insuring these items properly and we can help solve the problem.

Jewelry, furs, guns, tapestries, rugs, wall hangings, silverware, goldware, pewterware, stamps, coins, trading cards and many collections are not insured to the value they should be. The solution is easy and usually very reasonable to insure properly. It’s a big ordeal to do it, right? NOT AT ALL. Provide us with a list of items with their value and we can tell you how to insure them & the cost to do so.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call, email or chat with us through our website today. Let us do the work so you can enjoy the comfort of your armchair knowing it is insured properly.